Multilingual and well prepared hostesses and stewards will guide guests in any kind of event. The hospitality service is essential to guarantee Participants an efficient information center where they can ask questions about the evening.
Il servizio di accoglienza è basilare per garantire ai Partecipanti un centro di informazione efficiente a cui poter porre delle domande sulla serata.


Our starred Chef team and a young and dynamic group, carry out catering projects thanks to their great passion and determination. We promise great care towards the guest and an excellent service, characterized by a unique elegance.


The staging of each event will be studied based on the context of the event. We will propose numerous alternatives in line with the news of the sector and with your request. Our team constantly studies the setting up sector in order to then be able to offer its customers a wide range of choices. We will offer you the floral arrangements and decorations most in theme with your event. The Bouquet and the various floral compositions fall into this category. Each event has its own decorations, we will study how to organize them in the best possible way.


In collaboration with suppliers, we will guide you in choosing the favors that are more in line with your event. The function of these objects is to preserve one's memories in something concrete. Just look at the favor to remember your wonderful event.


We will put you in touch with videomakers and expert photographers and get ready to capture the most important moments of your event, providing you with excellent results in photographic or video format. Keep the memory of a festive or corporate event in an image or movie to watch when you want.


Personalize your event with a great entertainment staff. Presenters, animators, musicians, singers or a dance troupe will work to create a beautiful show for both you and your guests.


We will put you in touch with qualified and experienced suppliers in event car rental events. Vintage cars or Limousines fall into this category.


Among our services, an efficient open bar activity to give your guests the opportunity to use the drink & beverage sector in a practical and comfortable way.


Qualified audio and video technicians are necessary for the success of your event. Stereo speakers, microphones and lighting systems are among the typical elements of this category.


Participations, invitations and paper programs are typical elements in event organizations. We will offer you typographic solutions designed for parties or corporate events.


For your event it may be necessary to install a tensile structure, such as a gazebo. The tensile structures represent a design accessory typical of many events.
